Interviews and Webinars

Qwoted is committed to exploring the current state of the media by speaking to industry leaders and educating future generations of media professionals. What has social media and technological innovation brought to the table? What can we expect for the future of journalism?

Enos Denhere, Freelance Journalist
Enos Denhere

Enos Denhere is a Zimbabwe-based freelance journalist and writer with more than 10 years of experience in creative writing and reporting for both print and online media. As a columnist he has had the opportunity to write in a broad perspective on a social scale, covering a wide range of topics including the environment, business, politics, and more. Over the years, Denhere has written for top quality publications and newspapers, both local and abroad.

Which aspects of your work do you find the most challenging? The most rewarding?

ED: A few of the most challenging aspects are the highly competitive freelance environment, and the constantly-shifting media landscape that requires journalists to continually learn about new technologies and new forms of reporting. The most rewarding aspect is the actual work, as I find the topics I cover to be challenging and exciting.

If there’s one thing you could change or improve about journalism—in any area—what might that be and why?

ED: Journalism is shaping the world significantly by playing a major role in exposing the ills of society. Journalists are the eyes of the people and the hope of the powerless. It is unfortunate that the industry hasn’t gained total freedom to expose the truth, and that journalists are rarely given the respect they deserve.

What do you think about the role of technology in journalism? Is it helpful? harmful? Something in between?

ED: Journalism has been led into the digital age, providing online subscription options, real time notifications, and stories tailored to their interests. Because of digital technology, new media platforms will rise.

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